Thursday, November 08, 2007

Grave Robbery! UPDATED


We have found out that it is kids......

Which really breaks my heart...

because are these little ones doing it because they dont have toys?
And some what eases the pain...

Or are they just taking them for the he$$ of it?????

There are broken toys that have been taken and just trashed in the area.

thanks everyone for the hugz and words of support I really needed it!!


I am so so so

dont even have the words................

someone has been stealing toys, gifts and monmentoes of my sons grave..

And not just off his but others in the childrens cemetery...

what can I do.... I am upset... do I take more out there?

each year I try to find something special to take out to his grave....

What do I do now


threelilmnms said...

OH, my GOODNESS! Are you serious?!!! What is wrong with people!!! (I'm not raising my voice...I am just REALLY perturbed about this.) I'm so sorry this has happened to you! May God give you peace that surpasses all understanding in this awful situation! Lord bless you, Leinani

Sig said...

That is HORRIBLE. What mean people :(
I do not think you can do anything but pray for them.
I am really sorry. :(
I can't wait to see what child you get matched with. Glad I found your blog.


Melissa said...

Oh Chelley. You know there are some people out there with no scruples. I would start making a memorial in my back yard or something and put them there. I would hate for you to put more cherished momentos out there and they be taken.

colbylobrien said...


How terrible! That is so cruel and mean! I would be realy angry too!

Lois O'Brien

Everyone Has a Story... said...

Are you sure the cemetary didn't do it? Sometimes they change the rules and instead of contacting everyone, they just take them away.
I agree with the previous comment about having a memorial in your backyard, where the items will be safe.
Hang in there.

Chris Grover said...

I honestly cannot even believe that. Obviously this person or persons have absolutely no conscience. I'm so sorry. That is just sickening.

OziMum said...

That is digusting. The "peacemaker" in me, says maybe a small child took it, not knowing what it was there for... but the "logical" in me says, that's not the case.

I'm so sorry, that's awful.

My friend was saying the other day, that instead of laying flowers at the site, she has seen in some cemetaries, that people have actually planted a small bed of flowers on the site. I think its a lovely idea, we're thinking of doing that for Trish.

Mom 2 six said...

That is terrible !

Maggie said...

I'm so sorry. That's just awful.

I really like M's suggestion of building a memorial for Denver in your backyard. Somewhere where you don't have to worry about anyone stealing or hurting it in any way. In the meantime, I would make sure you complain to the cemetery staff. If it's a rampant problem they need to do something about it.

cheepette8 said...

That is so horrible. Some people are so heartless.

Anonymous said...

hi chelle, how cruel. i am so sorry to hear whats been happening to denvors grave. i do think you should do alittle something for him in your backyard until things cool down. just remember your baby is waiting for you in heaven, and also remember that your heavenly father loves and is takeing care of denvor. i love you heaps. andrea