Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just ordinary me

Thoughts from a Foster Family I really love this blog! Yondalla really gives it to you straight!! I was reading one of her posts about Confidentiality Rules and this really stuck out for me! So I wanted to share it with you!

Though we may question our own sanity in doing this, though our hearts will break again and again as we love children who will never be entirely "ours", though we may find ourselves in trouble for doing something as simple as sharing the joys and heartaches of raising the children we love, we are in the end simply ordinary people struggling to do what we find we must do. We have good days and bad days.

I have been asked so many times why do I want to do this? How can I give them back!

My answer is IT will be heart breaking when each child leaves! I will be sad!

But I knew when we started this that at some point along the line "MOST" of the kids will go home, to other foster parents or to extended family! You do foster care in the hope that each child will HAVE A FOREVER family! One that is safe to live in and grow up and be the best they can be!

I am no means a special person........... I am just ordinary me! Who has love to give to children that need it!


Andrea said...

Dear Chelley- There is NOTHING ordinary about you. Not everyone can love and care for someone else's children like you are doing. It is a gift, and you are a gift to these kids.
Love the cake. Happy Birthday Lil' Miss.


OziMum said...

You are special! Far out! What you're doing is certainly not "ordinary".. .crumbs there are so many people who can't look after their own children, let alone others!! (and I think you know first hand, all about that!!!)

Wendy said...

I understand what Chelley is saying. Though she is doing something extraordinary for these children, she is an ordinary woman who lives a normal life and has extra love to share with others. I think that it is important to know that people who are foster carers are "ordinary" and come from all walks of life, etc. You don't have to be rich, live in a huge house or be Mother Teresa. I think describing herself as "ordinary" is encouraging to other people who might be interested in fostering but think you have to be a superhero or something. Go Chelley! You are a very special "ordinary" person!!!

t~ said...

Chelley, we were foster parents for several years and had over 25 kids come through our home. I was always annoyed when I heard people tell us that they couldn't do it, as if my heart didn't ache and I didn't go through hell and back learning to love and let go. The rewards far outweigh the pain, even the difficulty. Some kids I couldn't wait to say goodbye to, but others I think of every single day and miss dearly.

ps, I have a video on my sidebar for Liam and Shelby, they were my whole world...if only for a short while.

Paula said...

I agree that Fostering is not right for everyone, but I think it is fantastic and you have such a good attitude about when they do leave. Think of all the little ones you will be impacting with love and hugs.

Kim said...

Fostering is very special and so are you. It takes a special and loving person to be able to welcome a child into your lives and hearts knowing they will leave. You are very strong and brave! Never say you are ordinary!