Friday, May 29, 2009


YAY me!

I got the job! They rang today! I think I was jumping around on cloudle nine for about 2 hours after!!!

I have put my resignation letter in to Big W today! My last shift there will be next Thursday and I will start my new job Friday!!!


cheepette8 said...

That is so awesome!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to hear all about the new job!!!

Stefanie said...

WOOHOOO!! Awesome news, Chelley :)

cloudmaster said...


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

WWWOOOOOHOOOOOOO.... Yay for Chelley... Ciao to the Big W... hello new job... excellento chickie babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jen Boote said...

Yay! good on you Chel - you go girl! So glad to hear you are finally out of Big W. Enjoy your very last day...and your first!
Jen xxx

Margaret M said...

Woo Hoo!!! So Happy for you! Change is good and can be so inspiring!!!!

junglemama said...


living4him5 said...

WAY TO GO!!!!! Congrats!!!

Kim said...

Yahhooooooooooo! Good for you!

Melissa said...

fabuloso news.

Janine said...

Hey that sounds great - so you will be sort of fostering, and getting paid to do so. Let us know more about the new job when you can.