Saturday, August 15, 2009

Little pink bundle!

Well have spent most of the day washing baby clothes and blankets and sheets because ......

Late Monday or early Tuesday morning we have a new little foster bub coming to our house!

She is only just a week old! OM Goodness here come the sleepless nights!

The kids are excited!! Al is off on business!

It is going to be full on!!


cheepette8 said...

Awesome! I know you are going to be very, very busy coming up.

Margaret M said...

I still don't know how you do it. Thinking of you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I cant wait to hear more and to hear what nick name you give her!

Stefanie said...

Wow, how exciting!!
Can't wait to hear more :)

April said...

I just love that you get to be part of these little ones lives. We might do foster care when the girls are a little older. I think now that I have my children it would still be hard to let the children leave, but not like when we had an empty house.