Sunday snapshot Tiarna
Tiarna Grace was the 2nd born of the twins... Came out crying and hasn't stopped since! Hence the nickname "Drama Queen"

Tiarna has a smile that will melt your heart and a heart as big as her smile!

Tiarna has always had a knack for GETTING in to everything and making a MESS!
My baby girl is growing too fast! She is 7 years old going on 26!
I have seen the way Tiarna cares for her brother and sister it makes me so very proud of her!
I can see that Tiarna will always have that sweetness in her and I hope she never forgets how much I adore her.
Tiarna is fantastic at Basketball and I love to watch her play! She does well at school and always seems to have an answer to everything! :P
Of all my kids Tiarna has to be the blondest!
Tiarna came home from school in a rotten mood... I ask her "Are you like this at school?" She says "no way I have to be nice and good at school!!!!" ?!?!?!?!?!?!? hmmm What about at home?!!?!?
OR this one.....
Tiarna says to me this morning "Mum did I use to be blonde?" To which I say to her "yes honey and you still are!" Her answer to that was... "Oh wow I didn't know that!"
What a beautiful girl! Love her smile!
She's gorgeous!!
Happy Birthday Tiarna! You and Lily Wen share a birthday!!!!! How Sweet!
Too cute!
Miss Tiarna sounds like she is something else :) Lots of 'tude, but with an incredibly sweet and loving heart.. I love that!!
Thanks for joining in this week, Chelley! I loved learning more about your beautiful girl!
she may be a 'typical blonde'!!! but she sure is gorgeous. Love the 7yo that we get to see a glimpse of....especially the heart that her Mummy obviously cherishes! xxx
What a beautiful family
Tiarna is such a beautiful girl! I love the pics and your descriptions of her in which your love and pride in who she is are so evident. xx
so cute and too funny
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